

Help struggling students reduce anxieties and become informed about mental health healing strategies.


Uplift is a service company providing anxiety care packages at an affordable rate. The boxes are easily customizable and the ordering process is designed to be easy and stress-free.

Marketing Brief linked here.

Programs Used:


Uplift was concepted as a way to reach college-aged students in their most vulnerable moments and to meet them in their circumstances.

The live chat feature on the website, free access to informational articles, and the welcome box are all developed to provide help affordably and efficiently.


To start, 24 students were anonymously surveyed on their experiences with anxiety.

The surveys included 17 questions and were utilized to gauge the level of anxiety, what triggers increased stress, and what helped students most.

Personalized Experience

When ordering, users can personalize their box so that it best suits their needs. This also allows for scent sensitivities and allergies to be considered.

The process is easy to walk through and users can go back at any point. Preferences also save to their profile and are able to be edited at any time.

Instagram Campaign

Instagram easily reaches these college-aged users and creates the opportunity to establish a community while spreading awareness.

Content showcasing real users, informational and inspirational messaging, and product photos can best reach the given target audience.


